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Preparing Your Node.js Code

Before uploading your Node.js application, make sure it's properly set up according to our platform's requirements.

Here is an example NodeJs Sample

Selecting Your Language

Confirm that your project is developed in Node.js.

To prepare your Node.js application for deployment on the specified platform, follow these steps:

Create the Script

Create a shell script named with the following content, which sets the working directory to /opt/code and starts the Node.js server:


set -euf

cd /opt/code
node /opt/code/server.js

This script ensures that your application starts within the correct directory and executes the Node.js server file.

Packaging Your Project

Here’s a sample structure for a Node.js project ready for packaging:

├── index.js  # Your main application file.
├── package.json  # Lists your project dependencies and scripts.
├── package-lock.json  # Generated after running npm install, ensures consistent installs.
└── node_modules/  # Contains all your npm dependencies, can be omitted if using package.json correctly.
  1. Main File: Place your main Node.js file, such as index.js, at the root of your package. This file is the entry point to your application.
  2. Dependencies: Include a package.json file in your project root. This file should list all dependencies needed for your project. After defining your package.json, run npm install to generate a node_modules directory and a package-lock.json file. However, for uploading, it's often recommended to exclude the node_modules folder and ensure your platform installs dependencies from package.json.
  3. Compression: Compress your project directory into a .zip or .squashfs file. Include the index.js, package.json, and package-lock.json. Omitting the node_modules directory can significantly reduce the size of your upload package.

Defining the Entry Point

For Node.js projects, the entry point is specified in the package.json file under the main field. It typically points to your main application file (e.g., index.js).

Example Code

Assuming your index.js file looks like this:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send({ message: 'Hello World' });

const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
app.listen(PORT, () => console.log(`Server running on port ${PORT}`));
  • Express Application: This snippet creates an instance of an Express app.
  • Route Definition: Defines a route that listens for GET requests at the root URL (/). It sends a JSON response with a message.
  • Server Listening: The application listens on a specified port, defaulting to 3000 if not specified by the environment.

Uploading Your Code

To upload your Node.js application to our platform, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Code Upload: Access the code upload section by creating a new function.
  2. Choose File: Select your packaged .zip or .squashfs file.
  3. Select Language: Choose Node.js as the language.
  4. Specify Entry Point: Ensure your package.json has the correct entry point defined.
  5. Upload: Submit your package for processing.

Adhering to these guidelines will ensure that your Node.js application integrates smoothly with our platform.