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Confidential instance creation

This section explain how to allocate your VM on the Aleph Network and start it on a chosen CRN.

0. Ensure you have uploaded your VM in the aleph network.

See previous section: Encrypted Virtual Machine image

1. Create your confidential Instance in Aleph.

This will ask you how much CPU, RAM and Disk you want to use and on which node (CRN) to deploy it.

aleph instance create --confidential --crn-url

Be sure to write down the url of the CRN running the node and the hash of your VM

2. Establish a secure channel to communicate with your VM

Using the command:

aleph instance confidential-init-session <vmhash> <node url>

3. Validate the authenticity of you VM and start it

Using the command:

aleph  instance confidential-start <vmhash> <node url>

4. Your VM is now ready to use

You can check the log of your VM or ssh into it.

4.1 Retrieve the logs of your VM

Using the command:

aleph instance logs <vmhash> <node url>

4.2 SSH into your VM

Retrieve its ip using the list command

aleph instance list

Then ssh into it

ssh <user>@<ip>

Where user is the user you added to your disk image.

The default user is root on Debian and ubuntu on Ubuntu.