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Using get_message_error() will show you the error code and some details about an error message.


It will return None if everything went well. In this case, use get_message() to get more information if needed.


async def get_message_error(
        item_hash: str,
    ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:


Parameter Description
item_hash The hash of the message to retrieve.


from aleph.sdk.client import AlephHttpClient

async def main():
    async with AlephHttpClient() as client:
        message = await client.get_message_error(
        return message

import asyncio
message =


{'error_code': 101, 'details': None}

For the example above, I tried to amend a post using a wrong reference:

from aleph.sdk.chains.ethereum import get_fallback_account
from aleph.sdk.client import AuthenticatedAlephHttpClient
import asyncio

async def main():
    account = get_fallback_account()
    async with AuthenticatedAlephHttpClient(account) as client:
        message, status = await client.create_post(
            {"hello": "world"},
        return message, status

message, status =

Error Codes

Here is a list of error codes and their meanings:

Error Code Error Description
-1 Internal error: An unexpected internal error occurred.
0 Invalid format: The data format provided is invalid.
1 Invalid signature: The signature provided is invalid.
2 Permission denied: Access to the resource is denied.
3 Content unavailable: The requested content is not available.
4 File unavailable: The requested file is not available.
5 Balance insufficient: The account balance is too low for the operation.
100 No target for the post amend: Target post for amendment not specified.
101 Target not found for the post amend: Specified target post not found.
102 Trying to amend an amend post: Amending an already amended post is not allowed.
200 Store reference not found: Reference to the store not found.
201 Updating a store update: Attempting to update an already updated store.
300 VM reference not found: Reference to the virtual machine not found.
301 VM volume not found: Specified volume for the virtual machine not found.
302 VM amend not allowed: Amending the virtual machine is not allowed.
303 Updating a VM update: Attempting to update an already updated virtual machine.
304 VM volume too small: Specified volume for the virtual machine is too small.
500 No target for the forget message: Target message for forgetting not specified.
501 Target not found for the forget message: Specified target message not found.
502 Trying to forget a forget message: Forgetting an already forgotten message is not allowed.


Fore more information, see the pyaleph message status section.