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Generate Solana Indexers from IDL

The Aleph Indexer Generator simplifies the process of creating indexers for Solana programs, by using Anchor's IDLs. It generates the necessary boilerplate code for launching your own Solana indexer on our open-source, multi-threaded node.js framework, using moleculer.

Getting started

1. Clone the repository

git clone

2. Navigate to the project's root directory

cd solana-indexer-library

3. Install the necessary dependencies and build the project:

npm install && npm run build

4. Generate your indexer from a local or remote Anchor IDL:

Using local IDL file

  1. Move a copy of the idl of your program to the path:
  2. Run the generate command, passing the IDL name as an argument:
    npm run generate <idl-name>
  3. Optionally, include your program's address as a second argument:
    npm run generate <idl-name> <program-address>

Remote IDL

  1. Ensure Anchor is installed locally and that the program you want to index has an initialized IDL account. A simple way to check for this is to run the following command:
    anchor idl fetch <program-address>
    This way you can also retrieve the IDL file from the program's address:
    anchor idl fetch -o <out-file.json> <program-address>
  2. If it is your own program, you can use the following command to initialize the IDL account:
    anchor idl init -f <target/idl/program-name.json> <program-address>
  3. Run the generate command of the indexer generator, providing your program's address:
    npm run generate <program-address>

Run the indexer

  1. Navigate to the generate package directory
    cd packages/<idl-name>
  2. Install dependencies and build the package
    npm i && npm run build
  3. Add your RPC on SOLANA_RPC (and SOLANA_MAIN_PUBLIC_RPC, if you get rate-limit problems) to the .env file
  4. Run the npm start command
    npm run start

If you wait for a moment you will see a message warning you that it is now running a GraphQL server on http://localhost:8080.

Deploying your Indexer to

To deploy your indexer, read this documentation

Supported Queries

For these example queries, we generated an indexer for the Marinade Finance Liquid Staking Program using:

npm run generate MarBmsSgKXdrN1egZf5sqe1TMai9K1rChYNDJgjq7aD

Note: Before doing any queries, let the indexer run for a while to fetch some data. It starts fetching the latest transactions and continues back in time until it indexes all transactions. In the meantime, new transactions are fetched and indexed in real-time.

Total program accounts and instruction invocations

Return global stats about the amount of accounts and total amount of instructions processed by the indexer:

    globalStats {
        totalAccounts {

Property Description
totalAccounts The amount of indexed accounts by account type
totalAccesses The total amount of events registered across all program accounts
totalAccessesByProgramId The amount of events registered by each signer (user) interacting with the program
startTimestamp The timestamp of the first indexed event
endTimestamp The timestamp of the last indexed event


Get all accounts, their addresses, Anchor IDL type and contents:

  accounts {
    data {
      ...on State {
        liqPool {
          lpMaxFee {
          lpMinFee {
          treasuryCut {
        # and other fields, see generated GraphQL schema
      ... on TicketAccountData {
        # and other fields, see generated GraphQL schema
Property Description
name Indexer-assigned name of the account. By default, it is the address.
address Address of the account.
type Type of the account. Possible types depend on the IDLs definitions.
programId Which program created the account. Usually the one the IDL belongs to.
data Parsed data from the account. Properties depend on its type.

Indexing state

Get the current progress of the indexer. The indexer first fetches all transaction signatures recorded involving given account, then fetches the actual transactions and processes them as events into the database.

  accountState(account: "8szGkuLTAux9XMgZ2vtY39jVSowEcpBfFfD8hXSEqdGC", blockchain: "solana", type: transaction) {
Property Description
accurate If the indexer has fetched all transactions signatures in order for the progress to be accurate.
progress How much percent of all transactions have been fetched and processed. Is measured relative to fetched transaction signatures.
pending Shows which time spans of transactions are waiting to be fetched and processed.
processed Shows which time span has already been processed.

General account stats

By default, the generator creates code to calculate stats for the last 1 hour, 24 hours, 7 days, and total for how many times an account has been accessed, meaning how many times an instruction has been invoked involving the account:

  accountStats(account: "7ekbc8F72Zm4KKQwbgSe7UTaiprHb8nkmbA2ti5hKoCX", blockchain: "solana", type: "access") {
    stats {
      last1h {
      last24h {
      last7d {
      total {
Property Description
last1h Stats for the last hour.
last24h Stats for the last 24 hours.
last7d Stats for the last 7 days.
total Total aggregated stats.
accesses Amount of accesses. Available on all time spans.
accessesByProgramId Amount of accesses by each signer. Available on all time spans.
startTimestamp The timestamp of the first indexed event during the time span.
endTimestamp The timestamp of the last indexed event during the time span.

Account time series stats

Similar to the general account stats, but returns a time series of stats for a given account and time frame:

  accountTimeSeriesStats(timeFrame: Month, account: "7ekbc8F72Zm4KKQwbgSe7UTaiprHb8nkmbA2ti5hKoCX", type: "access", blockchain: "solana") {
    series {
      value {
        ...on AccessTimeStats {

Property Description
date The beginning timestamp of the time series entry.
value The stats for the given timestamp.

Processed instructions (Events)

Get the latest ten processed OrderUnstake instructions (events) for a given account:

  events(account: "7ekbc8F72Zm4KKQwbgSe7UTaiprHb8nkmbA2ti5hKoCX", types: OrderUnstake, limit: 10) {
    ...on OrderUnstakeEvent {
      info {
Property Description
id The unique identifier of the event.
timestamp The timestamp of the event.
type The Anchor IDL type of the event.
signer The signer of the event.
info The parsed data of the event.


The indexer generator creates all the necessary files to run a Solana indexer without any additional coding required. In case you want to modify the indexer, you can do so by editing the generated files in the packages/<idl-name> directory.

The indexer generator creates the following directories/files in the src directory:

  • api: Contains the GraphQL schema and resolvers
  • dal: Contains the data access layer and database models
  • domain: Contains the business logic (worker loop, account discovery, statistics calculation)
  • parsers: Contains the event parser which transforms a parsed Solana instruction into a business event
  • utils/layouts: Contains the basic Solana layout definitions and types for accounts and instructions, generated from the IDL
  • constants.ts: Contains the indexer's constants, like the program ID
  • types.ts: Contains the extended types, like account and statistics types

GraphQL schema

The GraphQL schema is generated from the IDL and contains basic queries and types to interact with the indexer. Example queries are provided in the Supported Queries section.