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To send data to the network, you need to have an account. This account can be made using any of the supported wallet providers.

Supported chains


Chains provide a newAccount function for testing purposes. Example using Ethereum:

import { newAccount } from '@aleph-sdk/ethereum';

const account = newAccount();

Browser wallets

Most chains allow you to retrieve an account from a browser based wallet (ex: Metamask).

import { getAccountFromProvider } from '@aleph-sdk/ethereum';

const account = getAccountFromProvider(window.ethereum);

Node.js/Server wallets

You can also retrieve an account from a private key or mnemonic (or generate one on the fly) like this:

import { importAccountFromPrivateKey } from '@aleph-sdk/ethereum';

// just an example, DO NOT USE THIS private key!
account = importAccountFromPrivateKey("0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0");

Streaming payments (Superfluid)

In January 2024, the network started supporting a new payment model, together with the launch of the TwentySix Cloud platform, where users pay using streams of ALEPH tokens on compatible chains.

import { getAccountFromProvider } from '@aleph-sdk/superfluid';

const account = getAccountFromProvider(window.ethereum);

// initialize the wallet
await account.init();

// increase a flow (in ALEPH/hour)
const receiver = "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890";
account.increaseALEPHFlow(receiver, 1);

// get the net flow of ALEPH/hour
const flow = account.getALEPHFlow();