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Advanced Python program features messages

The aleph-client library is pre-installed and pre-configured in the official Aleph-VM Python runtime. It is tweaked to work even for programs with the access to internet disabled.

Get messages

Use aleph_client.asynchronous.get_messages to get messages from the network.

from aleph_client.asynchronous import get_messages

messages = await get_messages(

Post messages

ℹ️ Messages posted by VMs may not be authorized by the network yet.

Posting messages on the network requires signing them using a valid account. Since programs are public, they should not contain secrets. Instead of signing messages themselves, programs should therefore ask their execution host to sign messages on their behalf using a RemoteAccount. The hash of the VM will be referenced in the message content address field.

from aleph_client.chains.remote import RemoteAccount


account = await RemoteAccount.from_crypto_host(
    host="http://localhost", unix_socket="/tmp/socat-socket")

content = {
    "date": datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),
    "test": True,
    "answer": 42,
    "something": "interesting",
response = await create_post(

Shared cache

The shared cache is a simple key-value store available to programs to store information that would be useful to persist between executions but can be recovered from other sources. The cache is specific to one program on one execution node.

The persistence of the cache should not be relied on - its content can be deleted anytime when the program is not running. Important data must be persisted on the network.

To use the cache, you can use the following methods:

from aleph_client.vm.cache import VmCache
cache = VmCache()

async def f():
    await cache.set('key', 'value')
    value = await cache.get('key')
    await cache.delete('key')


Volumes consist in extra storage that can be used by programs. If a mount point is specified, they will be mounted on the virtual machine filesystem before your program is started.

Immutable volumes

Immutable volumes contain extra files that can be used by a program and are stored on the network. They can be shared by multiple programs and updated independently of the code of the program.

You can use them to store Python libraries that your program depends on, use them in multiple programs and update them independently of other programs.

1. Create an immutable volume

Create with a volume containing a Python library:

mkdir extralib
cd extralib
mksquashfs extralib extra-lib.squashfs

Start an IPFS daemon:

ipfs daemon

Upload the volume to IPFS:

ipfs add extra-lib.squashfs
and retrieve the printed IPFS hash.

Pin the volume on using aleph pin:

aleph pin $IPFS_HASH --channel TEST

Mention the volume in the prompt of aleph program (...)

2. Update an immutable volume

Follow the same procedure you used to create an immutable volume, but pin it with a reference to the original using:

aleph pin $IPFS_HASH --ref $ORIGINAL_HASH

Host persistent volumes

Host persistent volumes are empty volumes that your program can use to store information that would be useful to persist between executions but can be recovered from other sources. Like the cache, host persistent volumes are specific to one program on one execution node.

Unlike the cache, you can use these volumes to store any kind of files, including databases.

There is no guarantee that these volumes will not be deleted anytime when the program is not running and important data must be persisted on the network.

Host persistent volumes have a fixed size and must be named. The name will be used in the future to allow changing the mount point of a volume.

Message structure

Full example

Custom domains

You can make your own domain point to a VM. To achieve this, you need to create the following DNS records:

  1. A CNAME record to the server, for example: IN CNAME
  2. A TXT record to the VM hash with the prefix _aleph-id, for example: 60 IN TXT "b34f193470c349b1d9b60903a6d172e8c335710736d4999ff05971692febe8bc"