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Troubleshooting Guide

Setting up a Core Channel Node or a Compute Resource Node can be a daunting task. This page is here to help you troubleshoot the most common issues.

Core Resource Nodes

  • Ensure to backup configuration files before making changes.
  • Monitor the node after each troubleshooting step to check for resolution.
  • Document each step taken for future reference or for support if needed.
  • If you are unable to resolve the issue, please reach out to the team on Telegram for support.

SQUASHFS Errors in Diagnostic VM

Issue Summary:

Users may encounter SQUASHFS errors indicating a failure to decompress data, suggesting possible corruption of the runtime diagnostic VM.


Repeated SQUASHFS errors such as

  • Failed to read block
  • Unable to read data cache entry
  • zlib decompression failed, data probably corrupt

related to a specific block.

Probable Cause:

The runtime of the new diagnostic VM appears to be improperly downloaded or corrupted.

  1. Clear Cache: Remove the cache of the problematic file using the diagnostic VM hash. This can be done by deleting the file located at /var/cache/aleph/runtime/RUNTIME_HASH.
  2. Restart Supervisor: After deleting the problematic file, restart the supervisor system. This should trigger the re-download of the runtime file.
  3. Re-download: Upon restart, the system should attempt to re-download the runtime, replacing the corrupted file.

Steps to Perform:

  1. Navigate to the cache directory: cd /var/cache/aleph/runtime/.
  2. Locate the file with the corresponding RUNTIME_HASH.
  3. Remove the file: sudo rm -f .
  4. Restart the supervisor: sudo systemctl restart supervisor (or the equivalent command for your system).

  5. By following these steps, the error should be resolved as the system acquires a fresh, uncorrupted version of the runtime. If the problem persists, further investigation into network stability or hardware integrity may be necessary.

Missing Diagnostic VM Data

Issue Summary:

The diagnostic_vm_latency data is missing for your CRN, even though virtualization is reportedly operational.


  • No diagnostic_vm_latency entry in the node's diagnostic data.
  • Node appears functional, and virtualization is reportedly operational.
  • Previous cache clearing solution was ineffective.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Upgrade Node Software:

    • Ensure the node is running the latest CRN version.
  2. Disable IPv6 Forwarding:

    • If upgrading does not resolve the issue, try disabling IPv6 forwarding:
      • Set ALEPH_VM_IPV6_FORWARDING_ENABLED=False in /etc/aleph-vm/supervisor.env.
      • Manually check if IPv6 forwarding is still active:
        cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
        If the output is 1, disable it with:
        echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
  3. Clear Cache: See SQUASHFS Errors in running diagnostic VM.

  4. Contact Cloud Provider:
    • If the issue persists, ask your Cloud Provider:
    • "I tried to enable IPv6 forwarding on my server. This makes my machine unreachable over IPv6. Why is that?"

IPv6 Unreachable

Issue Summary:

When using IPv6 on a node, the network is unreachable.


  • ping6 command fails to connect to an IPv6 address.
  • The system returns the error "Network is unreachable."

Common Causes:

  • Incorrect IPv6 configuration.
  • Network interface not configured for IPv6.
  • IPv6 connectivity issues with the network.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Check IPv6 Configuration:
    • Ensure that IPv6 is enabled on the network interface.
    • Verify that the IPv6 address is correctly assigned to the interface.
    • Confirm that the gateway for IPv6 is set up correctly.
  2. Review Netplan Configuration (for Ubuntu systems):

    • Open the Netplan configuration file located typically at /etc/netplan/*.yaml.
    • Check for proper syntax and settings for IPv6, including address, gateway, and nameservers.
    • Example of a Netplan configuration for IPv6:
        version: 2
            dhcp4: no
            dhcp6: no
              - "2602:2940:0:1f::2/64"
            gateway6: "2602:2940:0:1f::1"
              addresses: ["2001:4860:4860::8888", "2001:4860:4860::8844"]
      After making changes, apply them with sudo netplan apply.
    • Check Network Interface:
    • Use ip -6 addr show to check if the IPv6 address is assigned to the network interface.
    • Use ip -6 route show to verify the default route for IPv6.
    • Test Network Connectivity:
    • Use ping6 to ping the local IPv6 gateway or known IPv6 addresses like Google's DNS 2001:4860:4860::8888 to test connectivity.