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Security key

Inside most Messages, there is an "address" field. This is the address for which the message applies (for which address to apply this aggregate, who posted that item…).

With a security key, you can delegate some rights to your messages to another account. You can interact with a message in two cases:

  • The sender == the person that posts the original message.
  • The owner of the message has a security key for your address.

Setup and Create a security key

The only way to set up a security key is to send a special AGGREGATE message on the "security" channel.
Only the account itself can have the right to send an AGGREGATE message on the "security" channel, this feature can't be delegated at this moment.

The way to structure a security key:

  • Must be an object
  • The subkey has to be called authorizations
  • the authorizations subkey value is an array of objects as follows:
{'authorizations': [
        'address': '<ADDRESS_TO_AUTHORIZE>',
        'types': ['AGGREGATE'],
        'post_types': ['chat'],
        'aggregate_keys': ['testkey', 'preferences'],
        'chains': ['ETH'],
        'channels': ['MYCHANNEL']

If some filter is set only messages that match the filter set (all options selected) will be accepted except for:

  • post_types only apply to POST Messages
  • aggregate_keys only apply to AGGREGATE Messages


Required Parameters

Parameter Type Description
address String account address to authorize to write on behalf of the aggregate's address

Optional Parameters

Parameter Type Description
types String Can be Post, Aggregate, or Store; Only these types will be accepted from this address
post_types String Only those post types will be writeable by the address
aggregate_key String Only those keys will be writeable by the address
chains String Only accept the passed address on a specific chain
channels String Only messages from these channels will be accepted


Here is an example of how to create a security key:

import { ItemType } from 'aleph-sdk-ts/dist/messages/message';
import { Publish as publishAggregate } from 'aleph-sdk-ts/dist/messages/aggregate';
import { ETHAccount } from 'aleph-sdk-ts/dist/chains/ethereum';

(async () => {
    account = ETHAccount.fromPrivateKey('0x...');
    await publishAggregate({
        account: account,
        key: 'security',
        content: {'authorizations': [
                'address': '0x...',
                'types': ['AGGREGATE'],
                'aggregate_keys': ['testkey'],
        channel: 'security',

As you can see, we specified the delegate account will only be able to update the testkey field of the owner's aggregates.`